Double Tax Agreement Mali

Posted by on Apr 20, 2023 in Uncategorized | No Comments

Double tax agreement Mali: Understanding the basics

If you`re planning to do business or invest in Mali, you might want to familiarize yourself with the double tax agreement (DTA) it has with other countries. A DTA is a treaty between two countries that aims to eliminate the risk of double taxation on income earned by taxpayers from both countries.

Mali has signed DTAs with several countries, including France, China, Canada, and more. Let`s take a closer look at what a DTA entails and its benefits for businesses and investors.

What is a double tax agreement?

A Double Tax Agreement is a treaty signed by two countries to avoid taxing the same income twice. Basically, it ensures that tax is only paid in one of the countries, either where the income was earned or where the taxpayer is a resident. DTAs cover various types of income, including dividends, capital gains, royalties, and more.

Why does a DTA matter?

DTAs provide several benefits for businesses and investors, such as:

1. Avoidance of double taxation: A DTA ensures that income is only taxed once, either in the country where it was earned or where the taxpayer is a resident.

2. Reduction of tax rates: DTAs often provide a lower tax rate on certain types of income, such as dividends and royalties. This can result in significant tax savings for businesses and investors.

3. Increased certainty: With a DTA in place, taxpayers have greater certainty on the tax treatment of their income in both countries.

How does a DTA work in Mali?

Mali has signed DTAs with several countries, including France, China, Canada, and more. The terms of each DTA vary, but typically, they provide:

1. The method for determining the tax residency of individuals and businesses.

2. The types of income that are covered by the DTA, and how they are taxed.

3. The tax rates that apply to different types of income.

4. The procedures for resolving disputes between the tax authorities of the two countries.

For example, the DTA between Mali and France provides that business profits are taxed in the country where the profits arise. It also provides a reduced tax rate on dividends and royalties and provides for the elimination of double taxation on these types of income.


DTAs are essential for businesses and investors who operate in multiple countries, as they provide protection against double taxation and can result in significant tax savings. If you`re planning to do business or invest in Mali, it`s essential to understand the terms of the DTA it has with your country of residence or where your income is earned. Consult with a tax expert to ensure compliance and optimal tax planning.